Thursday, July 18, 2013

A new adventure...

Mr Rush

Art | Coffee | Conversation

For those of you out there who care about my coffee addiction, I have great news! I am opening an Espresso Bar! All of my very own... sort of.

I was told by several people, actually 5 people, about this Cafe job that was linked to an arts organisation and so I had to look into it. I am glad that I did because now I have been handed a brand new quality fit out Espresso Bar in Tenerife! Mine to run and hopefully make money to support Artslink Qld. (Formally Qld Arts Council)

How cool is that?!

So after many a struggle with the developers, we have settled to open in a few days time. Soft start at first until we get up and running and find our feet and then we will launch officially early next month.

I am very excited.
I will fill you all in with more in the next few days.

Watch this space...
